Etisalat Elife cancellation | What is the Etisalat Elife exit charge
Today we will discuss about Elife cancellation. What is the exit policy of etisalat.
Friends, today I am going to tell you how to cancel etisalat elife internet and what is its exit charge. First of all, we will tell you how many year contracts its packages come with. There are 2 types of plans in Etisalat. The first package comes with 1 year and the second one comes with a 2-year contract. Both have different exit charges.....
If you are using etisalat elife package (tv package ) like 359 ,389 , 559 , 599 package .
This packages coming with 2 year contract.
If you using Triple Play package, in which the AED 359, Aed 389, AED 559 , AED 599 packages comes. You have to cancel them. So you have to go to a business center or you will have to call 8006665 . If you want to know how to connect a call for cancellation, then you can check my websites other post. In the below, I have told you the exit charge of different packages. .
If you are using a 2-year package, then its exit charge will be one extra bill and as much as a month is left, every month 35 devices will be charged...
They will charge you 1 month rental bill means (359 or 389 or 559 p 559) and 35 Aed remaining each month (35 Aed for device charges )
Suppose you cancel after 1 year .Then total amount is ....
1 month rental 389 + 12 month remaining × AED35 = Total charges 809AED
Some customer getting 1 month bill free .The exit charge for those customer is
1 month rental 389 + 12×35 + 389 free offer = 1198 AED
1 Year contract exit policy :
Here we will discuss about 1 year contract packages exit policy .If you are using AED 299,399,599,749 monthly packages. then its exit charge will be an extra bill and remaining each month 30 devices will be charged....
If you cancel after 6 month - One extra bill (AED 299 0r 399 or 599 or 799) +
Remaining each month x (AED 30 )
Guys if you have some confusion please comment below.