Best Video Calling Apps Allow in Dubai 2022
Video Calling Apps in UAE: Friends, if you live in Dubai or United Arab Emirates, then you cannot make audio or video calls here via WhatsApp calls Skype calls Viber calls and Facetime. Because here the BYP call has been banned by the government. But it is not that you cannot call from any application in Dubai. So friends today in this video I am going to give you information about some such applications. With which you can make free video calls in Dubai.
1- BOTIM - Free, Secure & Reliable Messages and Calls :
2 - ToTok Messenger - HD video call and conference call for free :
3 - Squad: video chat + screen sharing apps :
Talk about its third application named SQUAD APP. You can make unlimited audio and video calls using this application for free. No subscription is required in this. The special thing about this application is that you can also do group video chat in it. In this you can watch YouTube videos and You can also use the Squad app to see the reaction of your friends. In this application you can video call 9 people simultaneously. You will not find this application on Google Play Store or Play Store. You have to download this application from other application store. I am giving its link below, you can also download it by going here.
4- Voico: new free voice and video calling app :
Talk about its third application, which is named VOICO application. Using this application you can make free unlimited audio and video calls in Dubai. If you use DU's prepaid postpaid or DU's home internet WiFi. So you can use it for free. It is available for free for two customers only. You can download this application from Google Play Store or Apple Store.
Friends, by using these four applications, you can make unlimited video calls and audio calls within UAE for free. Friends, if you want DU OR ETISALAT's Wi-Fi connection inside UAE, you can contact on my number, friends, if you like this information, then you will definitely tell by commenting.