

Etisalat wifi disconnection | Etisalat elife cancellation | How can i cancel etisalat wifi

Etisalat WIFI disconnection : 

Today we will discuss about WIFI cancellation or Etisalat postpaid cancellation.
If you are using WIFI connection and want to cancel your Wi-Fi or Etisalat postpaid .You can call to 8006665 and select language first

Then put your number (landline number or pospaid number ). Then select choose option for cancellation. For Etisalat cancellation need some information about your connection such as:

What is your emirates id number??

Which package your are using.??

What is your last bill??

And he is asking that why are you cancel this connection. If you provide correct information about your connection then he will take your  cancellation request . He will telling about your total exit charges .He will give you 24 hour time to pay total exit charges amount .After deposit your amount Within 7 working days you shall receive one confirmation mail or confirmation message from telecom operator (Etisalat) . 

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