

How to activate starzplay service through Etisalat or Du Voucher code

 Etisalat or Du free Starz play service : 

Friends, if you live in United Arab Emirates. Friends, you must be aware about the wireless 5G plan of ETISALAT or Du in which you get two types of plans, first Rs 199 monthly and second Rs 299 monthly. If you have also taken Etisalat's wireless 5G plan. So with these packages you get a free subscription of STARZPLAY for 1 year. So if you are not able to activate this service, then today in the video I am going to tell you how to activate this service of Starz play.

How to activate Starz play service in Etisalat or Du : 

Friends, if you stay in United Arab Emirates and you have also taken Du or Etisalat's home wireless 5G plan and you also get SATRZPLAY service free for 1 year with this package. So by activating this subscription, you will be able to watch many movies, web series and many live channels for free. Friends, to activate it, first of all when you apply for this plan, you enter your email ID there. After this plan is activated, you get a mail from ETISALAT on your email ID in which you A voucher code is given to activate this subscription. 

So to activate it, first of all you have to download the Starch Play application from Apple Store or Google Play Store. After downloading the application, you have to open it, after opening its page will open. So first of all you have to create your account on this application, then here you have to enter your mobile number. After entering the mobile number, there is a Continue button below, you have to click on it. After this, you have to enter your new password here. After entering the password, click on the Continue button again. After this, a six digit verification code will come on your mobile number. You have to enter that code here to enter the verification code. After this, you will see the Continue button below, you have to click on it. As soon as you click on the Continue button or it will be logged in automatically, now your account has been created on the Starch Play application. 

To activate the subscription, you have to go to the Starch Play website. Here you have to login with your mobile number and password. After login, this page will open. So here you will be seeing many subscriptions, first of all you will be seeing the entertainment subscription whose monthly charge is 29.99 Dehram. So here you have to click on the Continue button, after this a new page will open, then go down a little on this page, here you will see an option of Choose and Other Payment Method, then you have to click on it as soon as you see it. Click on , again a new page will open, here you will see many options for payment, but at the bottom you will be seeing the option of Starch Play Voucher, you have to click on it as soon as you click on it, New The page will open. So here you have to enter your voucher code which would have come on your email at the time of activation. After entering the voucher code, there is a continue button below, you have to click on it, as soon as you click on the continue button, your Starch Play subscription will be activated for 1 year, after this you can visit their website or their application. By going there you will be able to watch movies, web series and live TV for free. So friends, by following this method you can activate the subscription of Starch Play. Friends, if you are facing any problem in activating it, then you can ask me your issue by commenting in the comment section.

So friends, this was the information about activating the subscription of Starch Play of ETISALAT.if you need any more information or you have any technical issue related to Etisalat or Du's new Wi-Fi connection, commercial Wi-Fi,  postpaid SIM card or you have any technical issue related to WiFi. you can also contact me on my number.

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